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Chloe platinum engagement ring with marquise white diamond

Chloe contemporary platinum & diamond engagement ring
Chloe platinum engagement ring with marquise white diamondChloe platinum engagement ring with marquise white diamond

Chloe platinum engagement ring with .50ct certified G-SI quality  marquise white diamond handmade by multi award winning Charmian Beaton.  Available as engagement & wedding ring set.  Three options shown; purchase price is for a single ring.  Wedding ring not included;

These are bespoke rings ao we can create them in 18ct yellow gold or white gold, set with the size and quality of diamond you would prefer. The small brilliant cut diamond can be chosen in yellow, cognac, chocolate, pink and blue or white. We can make the ring with your choice of precious stones if you prefer to not have a diamond. Contact us to discuss options and costs for your specially designed ring.


Reference - Chloe
